Payroll Services

Guaranteed Payroll
SaiTech’s promise is to ensure that you have a guaranteed payday. we concentrate on providing reliable and affordable payroll services so you don’t have to worry about your super and tax payments and the necessary insurances required to operate as a contractor in Canberra.
Guaranteed payment on time, every time and we will take care of all insurance requirements, tax and superannuation. All this for the just one flat fee.

Insurance Included
All insurances Included
Professional Indemnity Insurance ($20 million coverage)
Public Liability Insurance
Workers Compensation

What's included
Weekly/fortnightly/monthly pay cycles.
Payment of superannuation monthly to your nominated superannuation fund
No setup or exit fees
Living away from home allowance
BankIT® Contractor Leave Payments
Motor vehicle salary sacrificing (novated leasing)
Referral discount
Salary sacrificing of superannuation
Salary sacrificing of business-related expenses i.e., laptops, mobile phones, tablets, publications etc.
Work Related Course
Professional Subscription.
If you would like to be considered for our services, please contact us below and one of our friendly team will be in contact with you shortly.